Solar Portfolio

6 x 5MW Solar Farms

Foresight Group own a portfolio of six solar farms which are jointly managed by Partnerships for Renewables and Pario Renewables. The long-standing partnership between PfR and Pario results in a seamless joint service with specialisms in technical operation, town planning, commercial management, accounting, business planning and more; all merged into one complete package.

PfR & Pario ensure that the portfolio of solar farms, which are spread geographically from the southeast to northern England, continue to generate their maximum potential energy whilst operational costs are minimised by avoiding potentially expensive failures. The team also manage ancillary matters such as site and ground maintenance, landowner relationships, planning conditions, environmental obligations, and community engagement.

PfR & Pario jointly report to Foresight on a minimum monthly basis, but also strive to provide regular communication and swiftly answer emails and calls; all as part of an efficient and professional service.